Types of Students at the Library
Finals are approaching and students will often finish off the semester with long, tiring days at the library. It is apparent, especially during the time of prelims or finals, that college libraries attract an eclectic group of students. From my observations, there are some very distinct (and this definitely doesn’t include all) types of library-goers.
The one who is always grinding out their work
We all give credit to this student and more often than not, we wish we were them. This student blocks out their surroundings and gives their work complete attention. They can stay at the library anywhere from one to seven hours, keeping their intense focus for the entire time. With an occasional and rare phone check or bathroom break every few hours, others are amazed by this work ethic and concentration.
The one who naps
The opposite of the grinder, you can find this student knocked out on the couch at Mann or even more impressive, asleep at their desk. This student leaves their bed to go to the library, yet somehow manages to fall asleep there too. Often waking up upset about their lack of productivity, they pack their stuff and head back to the dorms to take a real nap. Efficient in terms of catching up on sleep, but not ideal during finals week.
The one who pretends to do their work
This student seems to be the most common type on college campuses, and I myself have been guilty one too many times. This is when the procrastinator in each one of us is exposed. These students go to the library dreading their work, and therefore end up doing everything but that. Entering the black whole of Youtube videos, online shopping, or even watching sports are all prime examples of this student’s go-tos.. iMessage on computers is also more dangerous than you may think.
The one who eats loud food
Even though eating is allowed in many libraries, it could still be really disturbing. Carrot and chip eaters cause the most commotion. Bags and containers can also turn some heads and cause some stares. I recommend that these students try to bring food that makes less noise like yogurt or a sandwich, for example, to save both themselves and the people around them the trouble.
The one who is constantly coughing
Throughout a typical college semester, everyone and their mother will succumb to a cough or cold at some point. That’s why there is always one person in the library who can’t control that loud hearty cough. It’s not their fault so you can’t really blame them, but somehow they still bother you. For those who are annoyed, be thankful it’s not you, and just remember that the cough will eventually become background noise if you stop thinking about it.
The one who needs complete silence
Whether it’s someone nearby typing or the clock tower chimes at 12:30pm, everything disturbs this student while they’re studying. You can most likely find them in a quiet area like A.D. White or 3rd floor Mann. Leave them be or you’ll regret it for the rest of your day.
It’s time for finals prep to expose you as the type of library go-er you truly are. It’s good to know where you stand on this list, and we should all try to emulate the student who is always grinding these next two weeks. Best of luck to all types of students in the library this finals season!